Nielsen Hayden genealogy
Family: Henry Heydon / Anne Boleyn (F13042)
Henry Heydon
Birth of Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, England Death Between 20 Feb and 22 May 1504 Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, England Burial Marriage Father John Heydon | F10278 Group Sheet Mother Eleanor Winter | F10278 Group Sheet
Anne Boleyn
Birth Death Abt 1510 Burial Father Geoffrey Boleyn, Lord Mayor of London | F10277 Group Sheet Mother Anne Hoo | F10277 Group Sheet
Anne Heydon
Birth Death Bef 8 May 1521 Burial Spouse Lionel Dymoke | F20157 Marriage Between 1505 and 17 Dec 1509
+ John Heydon
Birth Abt 1468 of Baconsthorpe, Norfolk, England Death 16 Aug 1550 Burial Spouse Katherine Willoughby | F10884 Marriage
+ Bridget Heydon
Birth Abt 1480 Death Bef 17 Jan 1554 Burial 17 Jan 1554 St. Margaret's, Paston, Norfolk, England Spouse William Paston | F13041 Marriage