Nielsen Hayden genealogy
William Hayden

Name William Hayden [1, 2] Birth Abt 1742 [3] Gender Male Death 10 Apr 1794 Washington County, Kentucky [4]
- year only.
Person ID I1344 Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others Last Modified 11 Oct 2020
Father George Hayden d. Between 9 May 1754 and 5 Jun 1754, St. Mary's County, Maryland Mother Charity d. 1791 Family ID F555 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family 1 Elizabeth Thompson Children + 1. Charles Hayden, b. Abt 1766, St. Mary's County, Maryland d. Aft 26 Oct 1813, Washington County, Kentucky
(Age ~ 47 years)
+ 2. Benedict "Bennett" Hayden, b. 1768, St. Mary's, St. Mary's, Maryland d. 3 Jul 1794, Washington County, Kentucky
(Age 26 years)
3. Henry Hayden, b. 1770, St. Andrew's Parish, St. Mary's County, Maryland d. 1828, Washington County, Kentucky
(Age 58 years)
+ 4. Wilford Hayden, b. 25 Mar 1772, St. Mary's County, Maryland d. 10 Jul 1827, Washington County, Kentucky
(Age 55 years)
+ 5. George Hayden, b. Bef 1776, St. Mary's County, Maryland d. 1859, Springfield, Washington, Kentucky
(Age > 83 years)
+ 6. Thomas Hayden, b. Abt 1780, St. Mary's County, Maryland d. Between 9 Nov 1849 and 7 Jan 1850, Hickman County, Kentucky
(Age ~ 69 years)
Family ID F4665 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 11 Oct 2020
Family 2 Mildred Hager Marriage Bef 1765 [5] Children + 1. William Hayden, b. 16 Apr 1791, Washington County, Kentucky d. 10 Dec 1878, Hardin County, Kentucky
(Age 87 years)
Family ID F5320 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 11 Oct 2020
Notes - Note attached by "stashyc" to William Hayden in her public tree:
Basil Hayden Sr. and his brother William Hayden, sons of George Hayden (d. 1754) were living in Kentucky at the time of their mother Charity's death. Neither were mentioned in Charity's will of 1791. Elizabeth Hayden (d. 1761), the boys' grandmother, left [land to] just the two oldest children of her deceased son George [...]
"Item I bequeath to my two grandsons William Hayden & Basil Hayden sons to George all that part or parcell of Land whereon William Morgan now lives known by the name of Shankes Resque containing 102 acres more or less to be divided Equally between my two grandsons as above mentioned". According to the Rent Rolls (43:105) Basil sold his share to his brother William on 9/17/1767.
Accompanied his brother Basil to Kentucky in 1785.
Deed recorded 3/31/1789 (Deed 2:59-60) in Nelson County, Virginia (became the state of Kentucky in 1792) records William Hayden['s] purchase of 400 acres of land "...beginning in James Cloyds line..." (on Pottinger's Creek).
William Hayden's will was proved null and void in the case "Hayden Heirs vs Hayden Executors" files 1794. The names of all of William Hayden's heirs were given in the court case (A:191-192) in Washington County, on 2/22/1796. When the heirs sold William Hayden's land, Bennett Hayden was not named as he had given whatever was to come to him from his father's estate "to my sister Mary Hayden" - dated 4/10/1794 (Deed A:178 Washington Co., KY).
- Note attached by "stashyc" to William Hayden in her public tree:
Sources - [S82] Maryland and Virginia Colonials: Genealogies of Some Colonial Families by Sharon J. Doliante. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, Maryland, 1991.
- [S268] page for Wilford Hayden.
- [S134] Mike Marshall, Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia’s Northern Neck Counties.
- [S258] Hayden/Rapier and Allied Families: Colonial Maryland, Kentucky, U.S.A. by Mary Louise Donnelly. Ennis, Texas: MLD Genealogy Company, 1991.
- [S138] St. Mary's Families, compiled by Linda Reno. Original site is gone. Mirrors: Marriages 1638-1820. Migration from Maryland 1780-1820. Tract Map: 1705.
- [S82] Maryland and Virginia Colonials: Genealogies of Some Colonial Families by Sharon J. Doliante. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, Maryland, 1991.