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- Arrived in 1633 on the Griffin. First at Cambridge, then Hartford in 1636.
His mother was long thought to have been an unknown daughter of the Rev. Richard Rogers of Wethersfield, England, but in 2022 Jesse Tarbert (citation details below) showed, first, that this was impossible, and second, that the Rev. Samuel Stone's first wife, previously unidentified, was a granddaughter of the Rev. Rogers. The identity of the Rev. Stone's mother must now be considered unknown.
From Wikipedia (accessed 1 Feb 2019):
Samuel Stone was a Puritan minister and co-founder of Hartford, Connecticut.
Stone was born in the town Hertford, in the county of Hertfordshire, England. In 1620, he left Hertford to study at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, from where he graduated in 1624. He was ordained on July 8, 1626 at Peterborough and a year later became curate at Stisted, Essex. In 1633, Samuel Stone and Thomas Hooker sailed across the Atlantic on a ship named the Griffin. They arrived in Boston on the 4th of September of the same year, and a few weeks later, Samuel Stone became a Teacher of the Cambridge Church under Hooker, who was the preacher. In 1644, he became a Freeman. In 1636, Stone and Hooker led their congregation from New Towne (now Cambridge, Massachusetts) and established a new colony at House of Hope (a Dutch fort and trading post), making peace with the local Indians and renaming the town they called Saukiog as Hartford, after Stone's birthplace - they thus became the town's founding fathers.
Stone was twice married. By his second wife, Elizabeth Allyn, whom he wed in 1641, he had four surviving children - a son Samuel and four daughters, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Mary and Sarah. He published "A Congregational Church, a Catholike Visible Church" in London in 1642, in answer to Samuel Hudson's "Visible Catholick Church", and left two works in manuscript: a catechism and a confutation of the Antinomians. Records show that he was an active buyer and seller of land in Hartford.
There is a statue of Samuel Stone in the centre of Hertford, Hertfordshire.
From Timothy Lester Jacobs at the Founders of Hartford site:
After the death of the Rev. Thomas Hooker, a serious controversy arose over who would succeed Hooker as minister in Hartford. Samuel Stone wanted and expected this position, but a sizable faction led by William Goodwin wanted another minister. The matter could not be amicably resolved, and on 18 April 1659 at Founder Nathaniel Ward’s house, Goodwin and about thirty-three men signed an agreement to remove up river to found the town of Hadley, Massachusetts. Twenty-two and their families moved upriver to form Hadley, along with an undetermined amount from Wethersfield. Eleven of the signers either did not go or returned soon either before or after Samuel Stone’s death in 1663. Those who remained were under almost constant attack by Indians, but seemed to prefer that situation rather than be in the vicinity of Samuel Stone.
Stone, then, in 1647, after the death of Rev. Hooker, became Hartford’s second minister of the first Church of Christ in Hartford, a position he held for fourteen years until his death in 1663. However, in 1660, Rev. John Whiting, son of Founder William Whiting, was appointed as a “Colleague” of Stone, and became the next minister of the First Church. But then, in 1664 Rev. Joseph Haynes, son of Founder John Haynes, was appointed as “Colleague” to Whiting. This appointment of co-ministers points to serious dissensions within the church, which ultimately caused Rev. John Whiting and thirty-one parishioners to form the Second Church of Christ in Hartford on 22 February 1670/1.
From Moore and Allied Families (citation details below):
The causes of this bitter quarrel are somewhat obscure. Apparently the Reverend Samuel Stone insisted too high-handedly on his own rights as against the rights of the congregation, and the dispute soon aroused personal animosities. In 1656, a minority, including John and Robert Webster, John Marsh and Ozias Goodwin, withdrew from communion and demanded that a council be called to consider the ease, alleging that Stone had refused to fulfill his duties. In spite of a temporary reconciliation in 1657, the breach continued to widen, and no efforts of church or civil authorities could close it. To quote from Hull’s diary of 1657: "The breach at Hartford again renewed; God leaving Mr. Stone, their officer, to some indiscretion, as to neglect the church’s desire in the celebration of the Lord’s supper, and to proceed to some acts of discipline towards the formerly dissenting brethren." […]
The Massachusetts Bay General Court heard a petition to allow the Withdrawers from the Hartford Church to settle in territory under Massachusetts Bay jurisdiction, and on May 19, 1658, the Court "giues them liberty to inhabitt in any part of this jurisdiction already planted, provided they submit themselves to a due & orderly hearing of the differences betweene themselves & the rest of their brethren." On April 18, 1659, sixty men […] signed the agreement to settle a new town on land they had obtained from the already settled town of Northampton.