Nielsen Hayden genealogy

Thomas Woodford

Male 1614 - 1667  (53 years)

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  • Name Thomas Woodford  [1, 2, 3
    Birth 1614  England Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Gender Male 
    Death 6 Mar 1667  Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 4, 5, 6, 7
    Person ID I3229  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others
    Last Modified 15 Nov 2020 

    Family Mary Blott,   b. Bef 24 Dec 1609, Harrold, Bedfordshire, England Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Bef 27 May 1662, Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location (Age < 52 years) 
    Marriage Bef 1636  Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 8, 9, 10
    +1. Mary Woodford,   b. 24 Jan 1636, Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 17 Apr 1684, Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 48 years)
    +2. Sarah Woodford,   b. Bef 2 Sep 1649   d. 31 Mar 1713, Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location (Age > 63 years)
    Family ID F5444  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 5 Apr 2020 

  • Notes 
    • Emigrated 1632 on the William and Francis. First at Roxbury, the Hartford 1636, Northampton 1656. His name is on the Founders Monument in Hartford, Connecticut.

      From Hale, House and Related Families:

      On 7 March 1631/2, Thomas Woodford was listed among those to be transported to New England, and came on the William and Francis with Edmund Winslow of Plymouth and Joseph Weld of Roxbury. He settled in Roxbury, Mass, where Rev. John Eliot, pastor of the church, made these entries concerning him and his wife:

      Thomas Woodford, a man servant. he came to . N.E. in the yeare. 1632. & was joyned to the church about halfe a yeare after, he afterwards maryed mary Blott. & removed to Conecticott. & joyned to the church at Hartford.

      Mary Blott a maide servant. she came in the yeare 1632. & was after married to Steward Woodford of this church, who after removed to Conecticott to Hartford church, where she lived in christian sort.

      It appears that both came over as apprentices in their 'teens, though Woodford must have been nearly of age, as he was made a freeman of Massachusetts Bay, 4 March 1634/5. Their marriage occurred in Roxbury, according to Eliot, and was doubtless before 1639, for on 3 Jan. 1639/40 Thomas Woodford was to receive six acres in the division of lands at Hartford, and his eldest daughter married by 1654; hence the marriage may have taken place about 1635-6.

      On 3 March 1640/1 he became the sexton in Hartford by virtue of a town vote which begins: "it is ordered that Thomas woodford shall attend the making of Graues for anie Corpes Desesed and yt no corpes shall be laid les then fower ffoote Deepe non yt be aboue fower year owld shall be laid les than fiue foote Deep. non that be aboue ten shall be laied les than six foote Deepe."


      Thomas Woodford (1614-1667) = Mary Blott (1609-1662)
      Sarah Woodford (1649-1713) = Nehemiah Allen (1634-1684)
      Sarah Allen (1672-1724) = Joseph Strong (1672-1763) *
      Joseph Strong (1701-1773) = Elizabeth Strong (1704-1792) *
      Benajah Strong (1740-1809) = Lucy Bishop (1747-1783)
      Joseph Strong (1770-1812) = Rebecca Young (1779-1862)
      Eleanor Strong (1805-1863) = John Wood (1785-1848)
      Ellen Wood (1831-1877) = Franklin H. Work (1819-1911)
      Frances Eleanor Work (1857-1947) = James Boothby Burke Roche (1851-1920)
      Edmund Maurice Burke Roche (1885-1955) = Ruth Sylvia Gill (1908-1993)
      Frances Ruth Burke Roche (1936-2004) = Edward John Spencer (1924-1992)
      Diana Frances Spencer (1961-1997) = Charles, Prince of Wales (1948- )
      William Arthur Philip Louis, Duke of Cambridge (1982- )


      Thomas Woodford (1614-1667) = Mary Blott (1609-1662)
      Sarah Woodford (1649-1713) = Nehemiah Allen (1634-1684)
      Samuel Allen (1665-1718) = Mercy Wright (1668-1728)
      Joseph Allen (1708-1755) = Mary Baker (1709-1774)
      Ethan Allen (1738-1789)


      Thomas Woodford (1614-1667) = Mary Blott (1609-1662)
      Sarah Woodford (1649-1713) = Nehemiah Allen (1634-1684) 
      Sarah Allen (1672-1724) = Joseph Strong (1672-1763)
      Joseph Strong (1701-1773) = Elizabeth Strong (1704-1792)
      Elizabeth Strong (1727-1767) = Richard Hale (1717-1802)
      Nathan Hale (1755-1776)


      Thomas Woodford (1614-1667) = Mary Blott (1609-1662)
      Mary Woodford (1636-1684) = Isaac Sheldon (1629-1708)
      Thomas Sheldon (1661-1725) = Mary Hinsdale (1665-1738)
      Benjamin Sheldon (1697-1773) = Mary Strong (1701-~1770)
      Mary Sheldon (1731-1805) = Joseph Lyman, Jr. (1731-1804)
      Joseph Lyman III (1767-1847) = Anne Jean Robbins (1789-1867)
      Catherine Robbins Lyman (1825-1896) = Warren Delano, Jr. (1809-1898)
      Sara Delano (1854-1941) = James Roosevelt (1828-1900)
      Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945)


      Other descendants of Thomas Woodford and Mary Blott include Francis Folsom Cleveland, Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt, Bess Truman, Nancy Reagan, Harriet Beecher Stowe, J. Pierpont Morgan, Frank W. Woolworth, Katherine Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart, Dr. Benjamin Spock, John Lithgau, Matt Damon, James Russell Lowell, Emily Dickinson, Erle Stanley Gardner, and Mary Chapin Carpenter.

  • Sources 
    1. [S101] The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633, Volumes 1-3 and The Great Migration: Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635, Volumes 1-7, by Robert Charles Anderson. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1996-2011.

    2. [S546] J. Gardner Bartlett, "The Sheldons of Bakewell, Derbyshire, England, and Isaac Sheldon of New England." The New England Historical and Genealogical Register 80:378, October 1926.

    3. [S1087] page for Mary Woodford Sheldon.

    4. [S387] Hale, House and Related Families, Mainly of the Connecticut River Valley by Donald Lines Jacobus and Edgar Francis Waterman. Hartford, Connecticut: Connecticut Historical Society, 1952.

    5. [S655] Various Ancestral Lines of James Goodwin and Lucy (Morgan) Goodwin of Hartford, Connecticut by Frank Farnsworth Starr. Hartford, Connecticut, 1915.

    6. [S685] Penny G. Douglass, "The English Origin of Robert Blott of Charlestown and Boston, Mass." The American Genealogist 67:65, April 1992.

    7. [S978] American Ancestors and Cousins of the Princess of Wales by Gary Boyd Roberts and William Addams Reitwiesner. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1984.

    8. [S387] Hale, House and Related Families, Mainly of the Connecticut River Valley by Donald Lines Jacobus and Edgar Francis Waterman. Hartford, Connecticut: Connecticut Historical Society, 1952., says "before 1639".

    9. [S685] Penny G. Douglass, "The English Origin of Robert Blott of Charlestown and Boston, Mass." The American Genealogist 67:65, April 1992., says "before 1639".

    10. [S978] American Ancestors and Cousins of the Princess of Wales by Gary Boyd Roberts and William Addams Reitwiesner. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1984., says "before 1639".