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- He served in the New York state militia in the War of 1812, during which time he passed through the land that would later become Crawford County, Ohio. Along with several of his comrades, he later returned to that place and settled there, in his case in 1818.
From History of Crawford County, Ohio and Representative Citizens (citation details below):
[Cranberry township's] boundaries have been frequently changed but in 1828 at the presidential election the polling place was at the cabin of Joshua Chilcote. [...]
Other settlers [who came in about 1826] were Charles Doney, George Myers and Joshua Chilcote. Chilcote was an Easterner who before com ing here had resided for some time in Columbiana county, Ohio. He was an enterprising and energetic citizen, took a prominent part in opening up roads through this locality and served with ability in most of the township offices. It is thought that the first marriage in the township was that of one of his daughters with "Oak" Tyndal. He has numerous descendants, though most of them are residents of other counties. His immediate family numbered five sons — John, Nicodemus, James, Joshua and Heathcote — and two or three daughters.
In or about 1836 a log grist-mill was erected in the northwestern part of the township, on Broken Knife creek [...] On the other side of the race was a sawmill operated by Mr. Chilcote.