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- Mark Crocker's will, from
I give unto my wife the following property (viz) one good horse and one side saddle, I give her also the following notes of hand, (and direct my executor to collect the same and pay it over to my wife as soon as convenient after they fall due) our note on I. H. Day & R C Henley for Ten dollars due the 9th of Oct 1857 our note on W N Hammonds for Twelve dollars due 26th Dec. 1857 our note on C C Hammonds Seventy dollars & 30 cents due 26th December 1857 our note on J W Conner & David Conner fourteen dollars & 60 cents due 26th December 1857 our note on A. M. Will & C C Hammonds for four dollars & 17cents due 26th Dec 1857 our note on J M Witherspoon & A G Pearco Two dollars and 20 cents due 25th December 1857 our note on J B Driskill for one dollar and 20 cents due 25th December 1857 and our note on Thomas H Witherspoon for forty dollars due 22nd July 1857 all of Said note were taken for property sold,belonging to my wife before our marriage. give and bequeath unto my said wife in addition to the above, three beds Steads, and furniture sufficient for the three beds Six choice chairs one folding table, one cupboard & one bureau (the ones that she brought to my house) all the table and kitchen furniture that she brought to my house after our marriage