Nielsen Hayden genealogy
Records of William Spooner of Plymouth, Mass., and His Descendants by Thomas Spooner. Cincinnati: 1883.
Title Records of William Spooner of Plymouth, Mass., and His Descendants by Thomas Spooner. Cincinnati: 1883. Source ID S1405 Linked to (25) Alice
Jeremiah Bennett
Desire Blackwell
Phineas Chase
Lettice Jenney
Sarah Jenney
Elizabeth Partridge
Hannah Pratt
Elizabeth Spooner
Isaac Spooner
John Spooner
Martha Spooner
Simpson Spooner
William Spooner
Hannah Swift
Abigail Taber
Joseph Taber
Sarah Taber
Capt. Thomas Taber
Mary Tomson
Daniel Wing
Desire Wing
John Wing
Family: Simpson Spooner / Sarah Jenney
Family: William Spooner / Hannah Pratt