Nielsen Hayden genealogy
Genealogy of First Four Generations and Names of Fifth Generation of Male Descendants of John Nutting of Groton, Mass., 1620-1650-1676 by Homer W. Brainerd. 1927.
Title Genealogy of First Four Generations and Names of Fifth Generation of Male Descendants of John Nutting of Groton, Mass., 1620-1650-1676 by Homer W. Brainerd. 1927. Source ID S734 Linked to (15) Mary Green
John Greene
Lt. William Lakin
Deborah Nutting
John Nutting
John Nutting
Jonathan Nutting
Sarah Nutting
Deacon Simon Stone
Lt. James Stone
Mary Whipple
Family: John Nutting / Sarah Eggleton
Family: John Nutting / Mary Lakin
Family: Jonathan Nutting / Mary Green
Family: John Stone / Sarah Nutting