Linked to (618) |
(Unknown father of Walter and Ilbert de Lacy)
(Unknown first wife of John Hawkwood)
(Unknown first wife of Neil Campbell)
(Unknown first wife of Walter Tailboys)
(Unknown first wife of William Comyn)
(Unknown second wife of William Cope)
Arthur, Prince of Wales
Canute, King of England, Denmark, and Norway
David I, King of Scotland
David II, King of Scotland
Eadulf, King of the North Saxons
Edward IV, King of England and lord of Ireland
Elizabeth I, Queen of England and Ireland
Enguerrand II
Etienne Henri
Guy, Bishop of Amiens
Guy I
Henry I, King of England
Henry IV, King of England
Henry V, King of England and lord of Ireland
Henry VI, King of England and lord of Ireland
Henry VIII, King of England
James II and VII, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland
Joan, Queen Consort of Scotland
Mary Goodwin
Ralph "The Staller"
Richard II, King of England
Somerled, King of the Hebrides
William I, King of England
William I "The Lion", King of Scotland
William II "Rufus", King of England
[Unknown mistress of John Pelham]
Æthelred II "Unræd", King of England
Mary Abernethy
Cadwaladr ap Gruffudd ap Cynan, King in Wales
Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn
Richard ap Ieuan
Gruffudd ap Maredudd
William ap Thomas ap Gwilym
John Astley
Thomas Astley
Doun Bardolf
William Bardolf
Edmund Barry
(Unknown) Basset
Alan Basset
Alice Basset
Eleanor Basset
Eustache Basset
Gilbert Basset
Ralph Basset
Richard Basset
Thomas Basset
Thomas Basset
Isabel Bawle
John Bawle
Edward Baynton
Anne Bennett
Thomas Bennett
Margaret Bentley
William Bentley
Gwenllian Berkrolls
Agnes Berry
Ellen Bertram
Robert V Bertram
Thomas Billing
John Biset
Anne Boleyn, Queen Consort of England
Anne Boleyn
Geoffrey Boleyn, Lord Mayor of London
Elizabeth Bonville
William Bonville
Joan Bosom
Margaret Bostock
Humphrey Bourchier
John Bourchier
Robert Bourchier
John Bousser
Elizabeth Boyle
(Unknown) Bredwardine
Walter Bredwardine
Eleanor Brereton
William Brettergh
Ela Brewes
John Bruen
Katherine Bruen
Thomas Bryan
Thomas Bryan
Richard Buckfold
Thomasine Buckfold
John Bunyan
Thomas Bunyan
Maud Burghersh
Joan Burley
William Burley, Speaker of the House of Commons
Mary Burwell
John Butler
Nathaniel Butler, Governor of Bermuda
Neil Campbell
Katherine Carew
Charles Cavendish
Thomas Cavendish
William Cavendish
William Cavendish
Alice Cawne
Thomas Cawne
Joan Champernoun
Katherine Champernoun
Bartholomew Chappel
Thomas Charlton, Bishop of Hereford
Alice Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer
John Chaucer
Thomas Chaucer
Henry Chichele, Archbishop of Canterbury
Thomas Chichele, Mayor of Higham Ferrers
Margaret Clarell
Thomas Clere
William Clere
Alice Coggeshall
William Coggeshall
John Cokayne
John Cokayne
Mary Coke
Helen Colchester
Thomas Colepeper
Thomas Colepeper
John Coleshull
John Colquhoun
John Colquhoun
Alexander Comyn
Jean Comyn
Marjory Comyn
William Constable
Christopher Conyers
John Conyers
John Conyers
Anthony Cope
Anthony Cope
Edward Cope
William Cope
Agnes Copton
Margaret Corbet
Roland Cotton
Margaret Cradock
Matthew Cradock
Rev. Robert Craighead
Jane Crewes
Matthew Crewes
Godred Crovan
Joyce Culpeper
Alexander Culpepper
John Culpepper
Richard Culpepper
Thomas Culpepper
Walter Culpepper
Robert Curthose
Owain Cyfeiliog ap Gruffudd ap Maredudd ap Bleddyn ap Cynfyn
Urse d'Abetot
Hugh "Lupus" d'Avranches
Joscelina d'Equiqueville
Katherine Dalby
William Dalby
Margaret Danyers
Henry Darcy
Margaret Darcy
Philip Darcy
Duncan Darel
Emma Darel
Gwladus Ddu
Alexander de Abernethy
Hugh de Abernethy
Rohese de Alveston
Eufemia de Aumale
Euphemia de Barclay
Agnes de Bayeux
Hugh I de Beauchamp
Isabel de Beauchamp
Payne de Beauchamp
Simon de Beauchamp
Simon I de Beauchamp
William de Beauchamp
Ermengarde de Beaumont
Isabel de Beaumont
Mabel de Bellême
Robert II de Bellême
Alice de Belmeis
Walter de Bereford
William de Bereford
Eve de Bermingham
Robert de Bermingham
Humphrey de Bohun
Humphrey de Bohun
Humphrey de Bohun
Mary de Bohun
Hugh II de Bolebec
Isabel de Bolebec
William de Brereton
Emma de Breteuil
Aline de Brewes
Matilda de Brightwell
Robert de Brightwell
Ranulph de Briquessart
Lucy de Brus
Robert de Brus
Robert de Brus
Robert I de Brus
Robert II de Brus
William de Brus
Baldwin de Bullers
Maud de Bullers
Elizabeth de Burgh
Hubert de Burgh
Richard de Burgh
William de Burgh
Alicia de Bury
Gerard de Camville
Isabel de Camville
Richard de Camville
Richard de Camville
Milicent de Cantelowe
William I de Cantelowe
William II de Cantelowe
William III de Cantelowe
Guiscard de Charron
Patrick de Chaworth
Alan de Cherleton
John de Cherleton
Robert de Cherleton
Isabel de Chesney
Alice de Clare
Aveline de Clare
Eleanor de Clare
Gilbert de Clare
Gilbert de Clare
Isabel de Clare
Richard de Clare
Roger de Clare
Walter de Clifford
Geoffrey de Clinton
Lasceline de Clinton
Ann de Coleville
Richard de Coleville
Robert de Conyers
Sibyl de Cormeilles
Walter de Cormeilles
Henry de Cornhill
Joan de Cornhill
Alice de Courcy
Catherine de Drayton
John de Drayton
Alan de Dunstanville
Alice de Dunstanville
John de Estratlinges
Isabel de Fernielaw
Amice de Gael
Ralph I de Gael
Ralph II de Gael
Aline de Gay
Ranulph de Gernons
Godfrey de Giffard, Bishop of Worcester
Hugh de Giffard
Ranulph de Glanville
David de Graham
Patrick de Graham
Robert de Grandmesnil
Hawise de Grey
John de Grey, Bishop of Norwich
Reynold de Grey
Walter de Grey, Archbishop of York
Thomas de Halweia
Maud de Hanslope
Michael de Hanslope
Robert de Harcourt
John de Hastang
Hugh de Hastings
Hugh de Hastings
Hugh de Hastings
Nicholas de Hastings
Ralph de Hastings
Ralph de Hastings
Gilbert de Haydock
Joan de Haydock
William de Herle
Joan de Ingham
John de Ingham
Oliver de Ingham
Maud de Kilton
Nichole de la Haye
Richard de la Haye
Hawise de la Pole
Margaret de la Pole
Emma de Lacy
Gilbert de Lacy
Hugh de Lacy
Maud de Lacy
Roger de Lacy
Walter de Lacy
Geoffrey de Langley
Walter de Langley
Robert de Legh
Alexander de Lindsay
Peter de Ludgershall
Maud de Mandeville
John de Menteith
Bertram de Monboucher
William de Montagu
Peter de Montfort
Hugh de Montgomery
Maud de Montgomery
Roger de Montgomery
Roger de Montgomery
Sibyl de Montgomery
Isabel de Morteyn
Isabella de Mortimer
Ralph de Mortimer
Ellen de Morville
Hugh de Morville
Hugh de Morville
John de Mowbray
William de Munchensy
Bernard de Neufmarché
Jollan de Nevill
Jollan de Nevill
Hugh de Neville
John de Neville
Margaret de Norwich
Walter de Norwich
Robert de Ogle
Robert de Ogle
Isabel de Periton
Roger de Pilkington
Margaret de Plessis
Agnes de Ponthieu
Joan de Pulford
Ellen de Quincy
Roger de Quincy
Hugh de Réthel
Baldwin de Revières
Richard de Revières
Catherine de Roet
Payne de Roet
Philippa de Roet
Cecily de Rumilly
Robert de Rumilly
Landri de Senlis
Simon I de Senlis
William de Shareshull
Hawise de St. Amand
James de St. Hilary du Harcourt
Gilbert de Stapleton
Joan de Stapleton
Miles de Stapleton
Agnes de Sutton
Robert de Swynnerton
Maud de Taillebois
Rolf de Taillebois
Marmaduke de Thweng
Marmaduke de Thweng
Marmaduke de Thweng
Robert de Thweng
Robert de Thweng
Robert de Thweng
Lucy de Tregoz
Robert de Tregoz
Robert de Ufford
Bertha de Valognes
Cecily de Valognes
Maud de Valognes
Theobald de Valognes
Cecily de Valoines
Bertram III de Verdun
Norman de Verdun
Aubrey de Vere
John de Vere
Juliana de Vere
Rohese de Vere
Cecily de Vernon
Maud de Vernon
William de Vernon
William de Vipont
Hugh de Vivonne
Ada de Warenne
Beatrix de Warenne
Adam de Welle
Adam de Welle
Robert de Welle
Jehan de Werbecque
John de Weyland
Thomas de Weyland
Richard de Willoughby
Beatrice de Witnesham
Stephen de Witnesham
Joan de Worth
John de Worth
Margaret Delamare
Anthony Denny
Edmund Denny
Joyce Denny
Anne Despenser
(Unknown) Devereux
Walter Devereux
Anne Digby
John Dinham
Muriel Dinham
Archibald Douglas
William Douglas
John Drummond
John Drummond
Malcolm Drummond
Margaret Drummond
Walter Drummond
John Dugdale
William Dugdale, Garter King of Arms
David Dunbar
George Dunbar
Margaret Dunbar
Patrick Dunbar
John Dutton
Peter Dutton
Edward Dymoke
Frances Dymoke
Anne Dynewell
Robert Dynington
Rev. John Eliot
Euphemia Elphinstone
Peter Empson
Richard Empson, Speaker of the House of Commons
Joan Engaine
Joan Everingham
Margaret Fallapit
[More individuals]
Family: Thomas Stanley / Margaret Beaufort
Family: Thomas Stanley / Eleanor Neville
Family: Henry V, King of England and lord of Ireland / Catherine of Valois, Queen Consort of England
Family: Henry VI, King of England and lord of Ireland / Margaret of Anjou, Queen Consort of England
Family: Patrick of Dunbar / Ada of Scotland
Family: Henry VIII, King of England / Jane Seymour, Queen Consort of England
Family: Henry VIII, King of England / Anne Boleyn, Queen Consort of England
Family: Henry of Scotland / Ada de Warenne
Family: John Swinnerton, Lord Mayor of London / Thomasine Buckfold
Family: John de Balliol / Devorguille of Galloway
Family: Roger Flower, Speaker of the House of Commons / Katherine Dalby
Family: William Gascoigne / Margaret Clarell
Family: Robert Walpole / Catherine Shorter
Family: Robert Walpole / Mary Burwell
Family: Edmund Spenser / Elizabeth Boyle
Family: William Coggeshall / Antiocha Hawkwood
Family: John Knyvet / Eleanor Basset
Family: Robert Waterton / Cecily Fleming
Family: Rev. Thomas Hooker / Susannah Garbrand
Family: Robert de Ufford / Margaret de Norwich
Family: William Cavendish / Margaret Bostock
Family: William Cavendish / Elizabeth Parker
Family: William Cavendish / Elizabeth Hardwick
Family: Anthony Cope / Anne Paston
Family: William Paston / Frances Clere
Family: John Paston / Margaret Mautby
Family: William Paston / Agnes Berry
Family: Nicholas Haute / Alice Cawne
Family: John de Vere / Elizabeth Howard
Family: Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn / Hawise le Strange
Family: David II, King of Scotland / Joan, Queen Consort of Scotland
Family: Henry VIII, King of England / Catherine of Aragón, Queen Consort of England
Family: Alan la Zouche / Ellen de Quincy
Family: Roger de Montgomery / Mabel de Bellême
Family: Hugh le Despenser / Isabel de Beauchamp
Family: John Drummond / Elizabeth Lindsay
Family: David Lindsay / Elizabeth Stewart
Family: Alexander Lindsay / Catherine Stirling
Family: David Lindsay / Mary Abernethy
Family: Robert II, King of Scots / Euphemia Ross
Family: Richard II, King of England / Isabella of France
Family: Nicholas Carew / Elizabeth Bryan
Family: Bartholomew Chappel / Agnes Copton
Family: John Hawkwood / Doninna
Family: Anthony Denny / Joan Champernoun
Family: William de la Pole / Alice Chaucer
Family: John Phelip / Alice Chaucer
Family: John Astley / Katherine Carew
Family: John Grey / Elizabeth Woodville, Queen Consort of England
Family: Richard Woodville / Jacquetta of Luxembourg
Family: Charles II, King of England and Ireland / Catherine of Braganza, Queen Consort of England, Scotland, and Ireland
Family: Benjamin Smith / Charlotte Turner
Family: Richard Smith / Lucy Towers
Family: Perkin Warbeck / Catherine Gordon
Family: Edward IV, King of England and lord of Ireland / Elizabeth Woodville, Queen Consort of England
Family: Henry VIII, King of England / Katherine Parr, Queen Consort of England
Family: Henry VIII, King of England / Anne of Cleves, Queen Consort of England
Family: Henry VIII, King of England / Catherine Howard, Queen Consort of England
Family: James II and VII, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland / Anne Hyde
Family: James II and VII, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland / Mary of Modena, Queen Consort of England, Scotland, and Ireland
Family: Arthur, Prince of Wales / Catherine of Aragón, Queen Consort of England
Family: Henry Herbert / Katherine Grey
Family: Robert Waterton / Margaret Clarell
Family: Robert Waterton / Joan Everingham
Family: Richard II, King of England / Anne of Bohemia
Family: Robert Tresilian / Emmeline Hywisshe
Family: Robert de Mortain / Maud de Montgomery
Family: Adam de Welle / Joan Engaine
Family: Henry Fortescue / Katherine
Family: Henry Fortescue / Joan Bosom
Family: Henry Fortescue / Margaret Fallapit
Family: Llywelyn Fawr ap Iorwerth / Tangwystl
Family: Richard Basset / Maud Ridel
Family: Richard Rich, Speaker of the House of Commons / Elizabeth Jenkes
Family: Rev. Thomas Wilson / Christian Ower
Family: Francis Windebank / Edith Jackson
Family: Hugh le Despenser / Aline Basset
Family: Geoffrey Chaucer / Philippa de Roet
Family: Ranulf le Meschin / Lucy of Bolingbroke
Family: Richard de Willoughby / Isabel de Morteyn
Family: Fergus of Galloway / (Unknown wife of Fergus of Galloway)
Family: Robert de Thweng / Maud de Kilton
Family: John de Cherleton / Hawise de la Pole
Family: Patrick of Dunbar / Euphame de Brus
Family: Hugh Swynford / Catherine de Roet
Family: Geoffrey III Luttrell / Agnes de Sutton
Family: Geoffrey fitz Peter / Aveline de Clare
Family: John Biset / Alice Basset
Family: Hugh Pantulf / Christiana Fitz Alan
Family: Marmaduke de Thweng / Lucy de Brus
Family: Fulk III Fitzwarine / Maud le Vavasour
Family: William I, King of England / Matilda of Flanders, Queen Consort of England
Family: Thomas Chaucer / Maud Burghersh
Family: Robert of Meulan / Amice de Gael
Family: Gerard de Camville / Nichole de la Haye
Family: Hubert de Burgh / Beatrix de Warenne
Family: Aubrey de Vere / Alice de Clare
Family: Robert le Grosvenor / Joan de Pulford
Family: Richard de Willoughby / Joan de Charron
Family: Robert Sadyngton / Joyce Martival
Family: William I "The Lion", King of Scotland / Ermengarde de Beaumont
Family: Robert de Brus / Isabel de Clare
Family: Henry I, King of England / Matilda of Scotland, Queen Consort of England
Family: Gilbert de Clare / Joan of Acre
Family: Bernard de Neufmarché / Nest ferch Osbern
Family: Geoffrey V of Anjou / Maud "The Empress"
Family: Roland fitz Uchtred / Ellen de Morville
Family: Hugh le Despenser / Eleanor de Clare
Family: Thomas de Weyland / Ann de Coleville
Family: William Inge / Marjory Grapnel
Family: Hugh de Hastings / Margery Foliot
Family: Robert Bourchier / Margaret Prayers
Family: John Bousser / Helen Colchester
Family: Roger Hillary / Katherine
Family: John of Gaunt / Blanche of Lancaster
Family: Henry IV, King of England / Mary de Bohun
Family: Thomas Littleton / Joan Burley |