Nielsen Hayden genealogy
The Parshall Family A.D. 870-1913: A Collection of Historical Records and Notes to Accompany the Parshall Pedigree by Horace Field Parshall. London: Francis Edwards, 1915.
Title The Parshall Family A.D. 870-1913: A Collection of Historical Records and Notes to Accompany the Parshall Pedigree by Horace Field Parshall. London: Francis Edwards, 1915. Source ID S953 Linked to (38) Anna
Philippa Bennet
Richard Bennet
Elizabeth Blount
John Blount
Ellen Broughton
Joan de Chetwynd
John de Chetwynd
Adam de Peshale
Adam de Peshale
Eleanor de Peshale
Richard de Peshale
Richard de Peshale
Stephen de Peshale
Thomas de Peshale
William de Peshale
William de Peshale
John de Swynnerton
John de Swynnerton
Margaret de Swynnerton
Robert de Swynnerton
Pernel Doreslowe
Agnes Egerton
Robert Egerton
Robert fitz Aelen
Robert Fitz Eelen
Henry Fitzroy
Thomas Grosvenor
Thomas le Grosvenor
Margaret Malpas
Humphrey Peshale
Isabella Peshale
Richard Peshale
Catherine Peshall
Hugh Peshall
Isabella Stanley
John Stanley