Nielsen Hayden genealogy
Family: Thierri II of Lorraine / Hedwig of Formbach (F1472)
Thierri II of Lorraine
Birth Death 1115 Burial Marriage Other Spouse Gertrude of Flanders | F2712 Marriage Between 1095 and 1096 Father Gerard of Lorraine | F2492 Group Sheet Mother Hedwig of Namur | F2492 Group Sheet
Hedwig of Formbach
Birth Death Between 1085 and 1090 Burial Other Spouse Gebhard | F14937 Marriage Father Frederick of Formbach | F1478 Group Sheet Mother Gertrude von Haldensleben | F1478 Group Sheet
+ Petronella de Lorraine
Birth Death 24 May 1144 Burial Spouse Floris II "the Fat" of Holland | F8695 Marriage
+ Simon I of Lorraine
Birth Abt 1076 Death 14 Jan 1138 Burial Spouse Adelaide of Louvain | F1462 Marriage