Nielsen Hayden genealogy
Family: Afonso II, King of Portugal / Urraca of Castile (F15148)
Afonso II, King of Portugal
Birth 23 Apr 1185 Coimbra, Portugal Death 25 Mar 1223 Burial Marriage Father Sancho I, King of Portugal | F15149 Group Sheet Mother Dulce of Barcelona | F15149 Group Sheet
Urraca of Castile
Birth Between 1186 and 1187 Death 3 Nov 1220 Coimbra, Portugal Burial Father Alfonso VIII, King of Castile, Toledo, and Extramadura | F4641 Group Sheet Mother Eleanor of England | F4641 Group Sheet
+ Afonso III, King of Portugal
Birth 5 May 1210 Coimbra, Portugal Death 16 Feb 1279 Lisbon, Portugal Burial Spouse Beatriz of Castile | F15147 Marriage 1253