Nielsen Hayden genealogy
Family: Przmyslaw I / Elisabeth von Schlesien (F15172)
m. 1244-
Przmyslaw I
Birth 1220 Death 4 May 1257 Burial Marriage 1244 [1] Father Wladislaw Odonicz | F14974 Group Sheet Mother Jadwiga | F14974 Group Sheet
Elisabeth von Schlesien
Birth Between 1224 and 1232 Death 16 Jan 1265 Modrze, Poznan, Poland Burial Father Henryk II of Silesia | F14964 Group Sheet Mother Anna of Bohemia | F14964 Group Sheet
+ Konstancja of Poland
Birth Between 1245 and 1246 Death 10 Oct 1281 Burial Spouse Konrad I | F15173 Marriage 1260
Sources - [S49] Genealogics by Leo Van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes and Leslie Mahler.
- [S49] Genealogics by Leo Van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes and Leslie Mahler.