Nielsen Hayden genealogy
Family: Casimir II / Helene von Znaim (F17328)
m. Between 1185 and 1186-
Casimir II
Birth 1138 Death 5 May 1194 Burial Marriage Between 1185 and 1186 [1] Other Spouse (Unknown wife of Casimir the Just) | F15006 Marriage Father Boleslaw III "Wrymouth", King of Poland | F14498 Group Sheet Mother Salome von Berg-Schelklingen | F14498 Group Sheet
Helene von Znaim
Birth Death Between 1202 and 1206 Burial Father Konrad II von Znaim | F17329 Group Sheet Mother Marija of Serbia | F17329 Group Sheet
+ Konrad I of Masovia
Birth Between 1187 and 1188 Death 31 Aug 1247 Burial Spouse Agafia Svjatoslava of Novgorod | F17327 Marriage 1207
Sources - [S49] Genealogics by Leo Van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes and Leslie Mahler.
- [S49] Genealogics by Leo Van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes and Leslie Mahler.