Nielsen Hayden genealogy
Family: William of Boulogne / (F4821)
William of Boulogne
Birth Abt 1085 of Carshalton, Epsom, Surrey, England Death Bef 1130 Burial Marriage Father Geoffrey of Carshalton | F928 Group Sheet Mother Beatrice de Mandeville | F928 Group Sheet
+ Rohese de Boulogne
Birth of Carshalton, Epsom, Surrey, England Death Bef 30 May 1151 Burial Holy Trinity Church, London, England Spouse Richard de Lucy | F2158 Marriage Between 1130 and 1135
+ Faramus of Boulogne
Birth Abt 1105 of Tingry, Pas de Calais, France Death Between 1183 and 1184 Burial Spouse Maud | F8195 Marriage