Nielsen Hayden genealogy

John Howe

Male - 1680

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  • Name John Howe  [1, 2
    Gender Male 
    Alternate death Between 24 May 1680 and 5 Jun 1680  Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    Death 28 May 1680  Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Alternate death Abt Jun 1680  Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Person ID I11070  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others
    Last Modified 1 May 2020 

    Family Mary   d. Bef 9 Sep 1698, Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Marriage Bef 1640  [4
    +1. John Howe,   b. 2 Aug 1640, Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 20 Apr 1676, Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 35 years)
    +2. Sarah Howe,   b. 25 Sep 1644, Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 11 Aug 1707, Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 62 years)
    Family ID F1224  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 1 May 2020 

  • Notes 
    • House lot grant in Sudbury, 1639; shared in the Sudbury divisions, 1639 and 1640; admitted freeman of Massachusetts Bay Colony 13 May 1640; selectman of Sudbury 1642. In 1655 he was appointed to "see to the restraining of youth on the Lord's day." Removed to Marlborough in 1657, being supposedly the first white inhabitant there. In old age he ran an inn between Sudbury and Worcester called the Black Horse Tavern. He appears to have been hard of hearing, increasingly so as time passed.

      There is no evidence to support the claim, commonly found online, that his wife was named Mary Martha Jones. Nothing is known of her origins.

      Dean Crawford Smith (Ancestry of Eva Belle Kempton, part III, citation details below) says that this John Howe may have been the John Howe baptized at Woodbury, Devon on 22 Jun 1617, but that conclusive proof is lacking:

      "John and Abraham Howe were not the only immigrants of that surname in early New England, but they were the only two to end their lives in Marlborough, Mass. Beyond this and the fact that Abraham witnessed John's will, only their children's intermarriage, and a year's service in 1673 when they were both selectmen in the same town, connects them on this side of the Atlantic.

      "The Howe family in Woodbury, Devonshire, includes first cousins once removed of the appropriate ages to be our immigrants John and Abraham Howe. Unfortunately, a great dearth of information outside of the parish registers hampers efforts to demonstrate any more than the most basic facts about these families. Like so many parish registers in this era, Woodbury's loses track of the Howes just about the time John and Abraham might have come to New England. Several distinctive given names were used in Woodbury: Anthony, Ursula, Susanna, Abraham, and Isaac, names that, with the exception of Abraham and Isaac, were not used in New England. We are left with no conflicting evidence, but precious little confirmation that these were our men."

      (The "children's intermarriage" to which Smith refers is the fact that John Howe's daughter Hannah married Abraham Howe's son Eleazar.)

      John Howe (d. 1680) = Mary (d. 1698)
      Samuel Howe (1642-1713) = Martha Bent (1643-1680)
      Samuel Howe (1668-1731) = Abigail Mixer (1673-1703)
      Peter Howe (1696-1756) = Thankful Howe (1703-1766)
      Phineas Howe (1735-1807) = Susanna Goddard (1742-1837)
      Abigail Howe (1765-1815) = John Young (1763-1839)
      Brigham Young (1801-1877)

      John Howe (d. 1680) = Mary (d. 1698)
      Samuel Howe (1642-1713) = Martha Bent (1643-1680)
      David Howe (1674-1759) = Hepzibah Death (168-1759)
      Thankful Howe (1703-1766) = Peter Howe (1696-1756)
      Phineas Howe (1735-1807) = Susanna Goddard (1742-1837)
      Abigail Howe (1765-1815) = John Young (1763-1839)
      Brigham Young (1801-1877)

      Brigham Young (1801-1877) = Zina Diantha Huntington (1821-1901)
      Zina Presendia Young (1850-1931) = Charles Ora Card (1839-1906)
      Orson Rega Card (1891-1984) = Lucena Richards (b. 1893)
      Willard Richards Card = Peggy Jane Park
      Orson Scott Card (b. 1951)

  • Sources 
    1. [S742] The William Ward Genealogy: The History of the Descendants of William Ward of Sudbury, Mass., 1638-1925 by Charles Martyn. New York: Artemas Ward of the Seventh Generation, 1925.

    2. [S3908] Susa Young Gates, "Notes on the Young and Howe Families." Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 11:180, Oct 1920.

    3. [S1409] Stone-Gregg Genealogy: The Ancestors and Descendants of Galen Luther Stone and His Wife Carrie Morton Gregg by Alicia Crane Williams. Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1987.

    4. [S594] The Ancestry of Eva Belle Kempton 1878-1908, Part III: The Ancestry of Henry Clay Bartlett 1832-1892 by Dean Crawford Smith; edited by Melinde Lutz Sanborn. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2004.

    5. [S212] The Slovak Yankee, by Martin Hollick.