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Guy I de Montlhéry

Male 1009 - 1095  (86 years)

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  • Name Guy I de Montlhéry 
    Birth 1009  Montlhéry, Essonne, Ile-de-France, France Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Gender Male 
    Death 1095  [1, 2
    Burial Abbaye de Longpont, Laon, Aisne, Picardy, France Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    Person ID I1570  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others
    Last Modified 28 May 2021 

    Father Milon de Monteleherico 
    Family ID F4102  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Hodierne de Gometz   d. Aft 1062 
    Marriage 1030  [4
    +1. Melisende de Montlhéry
    +2. Elizabeth de Montlhéry
    +3. Melisende dit Caravicina de Montlhéry
    +4. Milon I "the Great" de Montlhéry   d. Abt 17 May 1102, Ramla, Palestine Find all individuals with events at this location
    +5. Guy II de Montlhéry,   b. Abt 1040   d. 1108 (Age ~ 68 years)
    Family ID F2395  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 12 Dec 2023 

  • Notes 
    • Lord of Chevreuse; Lord of Chateaufort; Count of Corbeil.

      From French-language Wikipedia (accessed 16 March 2014), translated by Google, not cleaned up:

      The Notre-Dame-de-Bonne-Garde is a basilica confession Catholic, dedicated to St. Mary of Nazareth, located in the French town of Longpont-sur-Orge and the department of Essonne. It was preceded by a chapel dating back to the time of the Christianization of the Île-de-France, built in the oldest place of Marian devotion in the region: according to legend, the druids would be a venerated statue of the Virgin even before the passage of St. Denis, who told them that Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ , and that prophecy of Isaiah (7, 14) had already performed. Fragments of the statue of the Gauls are embedded in the statue of Notre-Dame-de-Bonne-Garde in the apse of the basilica.

      It was founded in 1031 by Guy I first Montlhery and his wife Hodierne Gometz. Thirty years later, they built a priory and asked the bishop to offer church and priory to the Abbey of Cluny. Hodierne went to Cluny itself to pick the first twenty-two monks. None of the first subsidiary of Cluny in Paris region remains: the French Revolution annihilated. [...]

      To 1030, Guy I er, lord of Montlhery, married Hodierne Gometz lady of La Ferte-Alais, and soon after their marriage, they conceived a project to replace the old chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary by a large basilica. The choice of its location could not be fortuitous, because Guy and the Hodierne built on a slope, far enough from the castle in the middle of an uninhabited countryside. He could not act to perpetuate the tradition of the first sanctuary in the time of the Druids. The first stone was laid March 25, 1030 or 1031, for the feast of the Annunciation, by King Robert the Pious, in the presence of the Bishop of Paris, Imbert (or Humbert) Vergy. A legend is attached to the construction of the basilica. Hodierne, very pious, humble, have personally participated in the work. She put herself in the water starts to help Masons. To facilitate its work, she asked the local blacksmith to provide an iron bar which help to better carry the buckets. Stupid blacksmith, influenced by his wicked wife, gave him derisively, a red-hot bar. Hodierne was spared any burns, and the blacksmith and his wife died in the year. The miraculous iron was mounted atop a column from a temple of Mercury. The "Red Cross iron" is stored at the bottom of the basilica since 1931, a replica was placed in an authentic location. The three protagonists, Hodierne, the blacksmith and the shrew were represented, carved in stone, on the bases of fallen arches of the third bay of the nave (the blacksmith and Hodierne north, the woman in the south). In 1061, the church approaches its completion, which appears from the terms of the charter LI cartulaire Longpont. Through this charter, Bishop Geoffroy de Boulogne found to have received the request for Guy I first Montlhery give the church of the Benedictine monks. According to the will of Guy Geoffroy chose the abbey of Cluny, which establishes a priory Longpont: this was the first Cluniac establishment in Paris. The number of monks is fixed at twenty-two, but sometimes reached thirty.

      Following the donation, Hodierne went to Cluny to persuade the Abbot Hugh of Cluny monks send Longpont He hesitated at first, since his abbey still had no branch in the region. It was perhaps these qu'Hodierne brought a chalice and a gold chasuble precious, that made him decline. Hugues therefore sent twenty-two monks, and to accommodate the Guy I st and Hodierne did build a convent at their own expense, south transept. It guarantees the monastery exemption from manorial justice. The monks built a farm south-west of the church, and cleared the hill Longpont. Prior to the first named Robert, and died in 1066. To 1074, then qu'Hodierne sees the end of his life approaching, Guy decided to take the habit at the time of being widowed. Hodierne died on April 7, but the exact year is unknown. It is locally regarded as a saint, but has not yet been canonized. First buried at the Western gate, his remains were transferred to the transept in 1641. A fountain took the name Hodierne and feverish there implored healing. Guy lived until early 1080, and his tomb remained visible until the uprooting of tiles that were paved church in 1793.

  • Sources 
    1. [S49] Genealogics by Leo Van de Pas, continued by Ian Fettes and Leslie Mahler.

    2. [S145] Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America Before 1700 by Frederick Lewis Weis and Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. 8th edition, William R. Beall & Kaleen E. Beall, eds. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2004, 2006, 2008.

    3. [S5861] The Ancestry of Thomas Bradbury (1611-1695) and His Wife Mary (Perkins) Bradbury (1615-1700) of Salisbury, Massachusetts by John Brooks Threlfall. 2nd edition. Madison, Wisconsin, 1995.

    4. [S380] French-language Wikipedia.