Nielsen Hayden genealogy

John Lee

Male 1670 - 1716  (45 years)

Personal Information    |    Notes    |    Sources    |    All

  • Name John Lee  [1, 2
    Birth 21 Sep 1670  [3, 4, 5, 6
    Gender Male 
    Death 17 Jan 1716  [3, 6
    Person ID I18631  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others
    Last Modified 2 Dec 2018 

    Father Lt. Thomas Lee,   b. Bef 29 Sep 1644   d. 5 Dec 1704, Lyme, New London, Connecticut Find all individuals with events at this location (Age > 60 years) 
    Mother Sarah Kirtland,   b. Abt 1644, Southampton, Long Island, New Netherland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 21 May 1676, Lyme, New London, Connecticut Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 32 years) 
    Marriage Abt 1669  [7
    Family ID F11307  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Elizabeth Smith,   b. Abt 1670   d. Aft 24 Jan 1733 (Age ~ 63 years) 
    Marriage 8 Feb 1692  Lyme, New London, Connecticut Find all individuals with events at this location  [4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11
    +1. Benjamin Lee,   b. 4 Sep 1712, Lyme, New London, Connecticut Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Apr 1777 (Age 64 years)
    Family ID F11306  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 2 Dec 2018 

  • Notes 
    • Also called John Laigh. He was a prominent citizen of Lyme and represented the town several times in the Connecticut General Court.

  • Sources 
    1. [S2503] Donald Lines Jacobus, "Richard Smith of Lyme." The American Genealogist 25:140, 1949.

    2. [S2504] One Branch of the Miner Family, with Extensive Notes on the Wood, Lounsberry, Rogers, and Fifty Other Allied Families of Connecticut and Long Island by Lillian Lounsberry (Miner) Sellick. New Haven, Connecticut: Donald Lines Jacobus, 1928.

    3. [S2484] Family Histories and Genealogies: A Series of Genealogical and Biographical Monographs, Volume 3, by Edward Elbridge Salisbury and Evelyn McCurdy Salisbury. New Haven: Press of Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1892.

    4. [S2485] F. A. Chapman, "Births, Marriages and Deaths in Lyme, Conn." The New England Historical and Genealogical Register 24:30, Jan 1870.

    5. [S2486] The Lee Family: Thomas Lee of Lyme, Connecticut, and Some of His Descendants by Irving Call Lee. New York: B. H. Tyrell, 1933.

    6. [S2506] Cameron F. MacRae, "A Line from Francis Quarles, the Poet." The American Genealogist 51:166, 1975.

    7. [S647] Dawes-Gates Ancestral Lines by Mary Walton Ferris. Volume 1, 1943; volume 2, 1931.

    8. [S2230] Connecticut: Vital Records (The Barbour Collection), 1630-1870, on In print as The Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records, Vols. 1-55, ed. Lorraine Cook White. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1994-2002.

    9. [S2484] Family Histories and Genealogies: A Series of Genealogical and Biographical Monographs, Volume 3, by Edward Elbridge Salisbury and Evelyn McCurdy Salisbury. New Haven: Press of Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1892., date only.

    10. [S2503] Donald Lines Jacobus, "Richard Smith of Lyme." The American Genealogist 25:140, 1949., date only.

    11. [S2504] One Branch of the Miner Family, with Extensive Notes on the Wood, Lounsberry, Rogers, and Fifty Other Allied Families of Connecticut and Long Island by Lillian Lounsberry (Miner) Sellick. New Haven, Connecticut: Donald Lines Jacobus, 1928., date only.