Nielsen Hayden genealogy

Solomon Parker

Solomon Parker

Male 1804 - 1884  (79 years)

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  • Name Solomon Parker 
    Birth 25 Aug 1804  Edwardsburgh, Grenville, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2
    Gender Male 
    Death 8 May 1884  Anaconda, Deer Lodge, Montana Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    Person ID I2110  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others
    Last Modified 14 Feb 2016 

    Father Robert James Parker,   b. 7 Jan 1762, Freehold, Monmouth, New Jersey Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 17 Oct 1829, Sorel, Le Bas-Richelieu, Québec Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 67 years) 
    Mother Providence Miller 
    Family ID F3322  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Nancy Jane Welch,   b. 7 Jan 1811, Mountain, Dundas, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 16 Dec 1850, Ekfrid, Middlesex, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 39 years) 
    Marriage Dec 1826 
     1. William Henry Parker,   b. 11 Jul 1828, Canada Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 14 Jan 1911, Ft. Gratoit, St. Clair, Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 82 years)
    +2. Lydia Ann Parker,   b. 19 Nov 1847, Ekfrid, Middlesex, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 8 Oct 1918, Safford, Graham, Arizona Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 70 years)
    Margaret Rudebach
    Margaret Rudebach
    Allegedly a photo of Margaret Rudebock (Rudebach) who is widely said to have been the mother of Nancy Jane Welch.
    Family ID F3512  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 19 Apr 2016 

  • Photos
    Solomon Ellis Parker
    Solomon Ellis Parker
    Solomon Ellis Parker - 1
    Solomon Ellis Parker - 1

  • Notes 
    • He was a sawmill operator. The 1880 census shows him in Deer Lodge, Montana.

      Notes provided by John Ira Parker of Elko, Nevada to Laura Greene, 1999, from his family records:

      Solomon Parker was born August 25, 1804 in Edwardsburg, Johnston, Ontario, Canada. He was the eighth child of Robert James Parker and Providence Miller. He married first Ann Custin of Preston, second Nancy Welch, and third Mary Catherine Green. Solomon Parker immigrated from Canada to Utah in 1856 and recorded in Journal Histories October 15, 1856 and September 20, 1856 (pages 1-8), "Solomon Parker and family came from Canada as passengers on Capt. Knud Peterson's ox train, which arrived in Great Salt Lake on September 1856. (250 Scandinavians), 14 wagon English emigrants. Left Florence, Nebraska about June 10, 1856. Joseph Parker was also a passenger. While in Canada, Solomon Parker bought on March 5, 1851 100 acres of land from George T. Goodhue in Middlesex. Paid 7 pounds (N 1/2 lot N. Con) Solomon sold on April 28, 1856 100 acres of land to Thomas Cook for 312 pounds 10 shillings. The sale of the land was immediately before his departure for Utah. Solomon Parker spent the last years of his life with a couple of his sons from his marriage to Nancy Welch in Deer Lodge, Montana, and died there May 8, 1884.

      [Found on rootsweb] This note written by Lillian Millett on the back of an old family group sheet. This was written to Alfred and Orva Freestone when they were on a mission in Canada where this family originally came from:

      "When Solomon Parker died he was in Montana, with a daughter who was not a member of the church. He left his genealogy on these names under his pillow and asked that they be given to Grandma (Lydia Ann Parker his daughter). He said 'Annie will know what to do with these names'. So when Grandma Packer (Lydia Ann) died they were all assembled in the front room at Grandma's house and there some miraculous way, the names fell into Aunt Clara's lap. When they examined them, they were these same names, which she and Aunt Janie then went to Salt Lake temple and did the work. I have had a hard time trying to connect them, as very little explanation was given, but we know they are close relatives, because of what Grandpa Solomon Parker said about them. You can understand my feeling about location and mission in that area.

      "I have a record of a land grant to William and Margaret Welch for 400 acres of land. It was petitioned for in New Johnstown (now Cornwall) in 15 May 1797. It was granted on 17 May 1802 in Mountain Dundas. (Lots 24 and 22). This Margaret was the daughter of John Rudeback (a Loyalist). I think we have two Margarets who married Williams but it is not proven. I wonder if it ever will be?"

  • Sources 
    1. [S1015] The Life and Times of Alonzo Hamilton Packer and His Wife Lydia Ann Parker by John A. Freestone, 1999., place only.

    2. [S1043] page for Solomon Ellis Parker., date only.

    3. [S1043] page for Solomon Ellis Parker., date and state only.