Nielsen Hayden genealogy

David Crewe


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  • Name David Crewe  [1
    Birth of Pulcroste, Cheshire, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [2, 3
    Gender Male 
    Person ID I29603  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others
    Last Modified 31 Aug 2020 

    Father Thomas Crewe 
    Mother Agnes 
    Family ID F17681  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    +1. Margaret Crewe
    Family ID F17655  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 23 Aug 2020 

  • Sources 
    1. [S4294] The Visitations of Staffordshire made by Sir Richard St. George, Norroy, in 1614, and by Sir William Dugdale, Norroy, in the Years 1663 and 1664 ed. H. Sydney Grazebrook. London: Mitchell and Hughes, 1885.

    2. [S317] The Bulkeley Genealogy by Donald Lines Jacobus. New Haven, Connecticut: 1933.

    3. [S4297] Randle Holme, "The True Pedegree & Descent of the Autient & Right Worshipfull Familie of Chetwood of Chetwood, Okeley, & Warleston, Hoclyue, & Warkeworth." Compiled in 1650; published in Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, Vol. 1, Second Series, 1886, p. 69.