Nielsen Hayden genealogy
John Carroll Chase and George Walter Chamberlain, "Some of the Descendants of William Chase of Roxbury and Yarmouth, Massachusetts." The New England Historical and Genealogical Register 87:46, 87:127, 87:242, 87:314, 1933.
Title John Carroll Chase and George Walter Chamberlain, "Some of the Descendants of William Chase of Roxbury and Yarmouth, Massachusetts." The New England Historical and Genealogical Register 87:46, 87:127, 87:242, 87:314, 1933. Source ID S1035 Linked to (37) (Unknown first wife of William Chase)
(Unknown second wife of William Chase)
Daniel Baker
Elizabeth Baker
Francis Baker
Mary Berry
Abraham Chase
Benjamin Chase
Daniel Chase
Deborah Chase
Elizabeth Chase
Isaac Chase
John Chase
Obadiah Chase
Philip Chase
Phineas Chase
Sarah Chase
William Chase
William Chase
Jacob Hathaway
Sarah Odding
Philip Sherman
Philip Sherman
Mary Smith
Isabel Twining
Henry Wilson
Desire Wing
Prince Wing
Family: Obadiah Chase / Mary Smith
Family: Isaac Chase / Mary Berry
Family: Daniel Baker / Elizabeth Chase
Family: Phineas Chase / Desire Wing
Family: Prince Wing / Deborah Chase
Family: Jacob Hathaway / Philip Chase
Family: Benjamin Chase / Philip Sherman