Nielsen Hayden genealogy
Joseph Cook, "Corrected Ancestry of Mary1, First Wife of Major Simon1 Willard." The Genealogist 30:226, Fall 2016.
Title Joseph Cook, "Corrected Ancestry of Mary1, First Wife of Major Simon1 Willard." The Genealogist 30:226, Fall 2016. Source ID S4100 Linked to (13) Robert Blood
Mary Cook
Joan Glover
Abovehope Nicholls
Josias Nicholls
John Sharpee
Mary Sharpee
Samuel Sharpee
Elizabeth Willard
Family: Simon Willard / Mary Sharpee
Family: Samuel Sharpee / Abovehope Nicholls
Family: John Sharpee / Joan Glover
Family: Josias Nicholls / Mary Cook