Nielsen Hayden genealogy
The Genealogy of the Descendants of Several Ancient Puritans, by the Names of Adams, Bullard, Holbrook, Rockwood, Sanger, Wood, Grout, Goulding, and Twitchell by Abner Morse. Boston, 1857.
Title The Genealogy of the Descendants of Several Ancient Puritans, by the Names of Adams, Bullard, Holbrook, Rockwood, Sanger, Wood, Grout, Goulding, and Twitchell by Abner Morse. Boston, 1857. Source ID S4825 Linked to (12) Mary Hart
Deborah Morse
Elizabeth Morse
Mary Rannals
Deborah Rider
William Rider
Richard Sanger
Richard Sanger
Richard Sanger
Samuel Sanger
Capt. Samuel Sanger
Family: Capt. Samuel Sanger / Abigail Whiting