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Kelly McCullough has done a clever thing: An index to a deal of Making Light.
Administrative/In the Beginning
Backups Through History
Civil Rights and Liberties
DIY A Myriad of Odd and Sometimes Useful How-Tos
Ghosts of the Great War
Grammar Geeking
Internet Discourse
Iraq War
John M. Ford Misc
Linky Posts
Lord of the Rings
Mary Sue
Medicine/Emergency Response
Security Theater
Tragedies, Great and Small
Uncategorized (Thus Far)
F&SF As A Genre
Grammar, Punctuation and the Copyeditor
Literary Scams
Publishing Industry
Submission, Rejection and the Slushpile
Vanity Press
Whining About Publishing
Writing Craft
Way cool. Our thanks and praises!
I'm sure one of our poets will be along with a verse or two shortly....
Thanks for doing this; I'm sure I'll use it.
ObCopyeditor: "Hoarding," not "Hording"
No no Beth, you're forgetting about Making Light's extensive series of posts about World of Warcraft...
The writers index is invaluable! Awesome...
Thanks, Jim.
@2-Thanks, Beth! and...doh. Off to fix it now.
BTW, to all, I'm hoping to keep the updates coming at a 3+months a week till I get up to date.
This is (in WoWspeak, tagging on the theme of Beth@2 above) made of God and win!
So much has been said, both the wrong and right,
in this warm place within the internet;
things worth much praise, and things that we regret,
and many a muse has here taken to flight.
All of us read, and, my god, do we write
not for acclaim, nor even on a bet;
for thought and pleasure, and we do not fret
since, night and day, we are all making light.
Now Kelly's given us a chance to see
all that we've written in his neat index
laid out like sheets upon the riverbanks,
all that we've said about words, thoughts or sex,
and for this effort we all owe him thanks.
Off to fix it? I'll fix it in the post, too....
May I suggest an index for bread-making? And one for zombies?
That's a good point, Serge.
In the event of a zombie apocolypse, we will have precious little time to search the entire ML archives for the posts we will need to save our lives (and braiiiiiiins)
Matt @ 10... One must be prepared for all eventualities, even zombie dragons. That being said, my congratulations to Kelly.
If you didn't already believe that internet faux pas are impossible to live down, you will!
(Thank you, Kelly! This is awesome. Also addictive.)
Frangano @7 that's a lovely bit of praise and poesy. Thank you!
One minor note, and not one that I'd expect anyone to know about without having done at least a bit of digging--it should be "his" and "him." The gender mistake isn't one that bothers me in the slightest but I've found that if I leave it uncorrected, people who meet me in person tend to be shocked by the result since I'm bald and built like a gorilla.
Beth @2, I forgot to say: I love obsessive copyeditors. They have saved my bacon on a number of occasions and I praise them with great praise. Again, thank you.
Phoo. It's a shame I didn't find ML back when you were discussing superheroes and relationships; there was a Marvel annual a few years ago where Janet VanDyne (Wasp) and her
ex-husband (Yellojacket) were reliving their old, wild days. She was full sized, he wasn't, and she was Having Much Fun.
Praise to Kelly! I'll find this very useful the next time I'm trying to apply clue to someone re: Money Flows Towards The Author, and sundry other good advice handed out here over the years.
Check date/title om the second Ghosts of the Great War entry.
Kelly McCullough #13: You're welcome. Unfortunately, I can't edit the text. I apologise.
Zombie dragons make mighty good eating in an emergency situation. Breaded, deep fried, and served with habenero oil.
#18: You can't, but I can. Shall I?
*Clicks on Bookmarks in browser menu*
Jim Macdonald #20: If you'd be so kind. Thanks.
Frangano Ledgister @18, there's really no need to apologize. I consider having a gender-neutral name to be mostly an asset. Since it is most often given to women in the US at this time, the mistake is quite common, and it's one that hasn't bothered me since I grew out of my adolescent insecurity phase 20 years ago.
Jim McDonald @20, thanks from me as well–per Frangano Ledgister @22.
Dave Bell @16 got it. Thanks
All, I'll keep an eye on this thread and fix things in the indices as I see the notes here but probably won't acknowledge each one individually (or at least not until the flow comes mostly to a halt) in service of not adding to thread clutter. Thanks in advance. I'm glad people are finding the indices useful.
These are wonderful; thanks!
If I may, I'd recommend their being placed into the sidebar, adjacent to the archives links, so that when this post scrolls out of view, the indices can continue to keep us informed and fascinated.
My goodness, what a wonderful thing. Thankyou!
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