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Not that it’s important, of course

Our Admirable Sponsors

June 7, 2002

But hey, it knocked the hearings below the fold! Charles Dodgson coolly assesses Bush’s proposed Cabinet-level “Department of Homeland Security”:
The proposed solution is a government reorganization which doesn’t touch the FBI and CIA, but combines other agencies including the Secret Service (which handles counterfeiting), the Coast Guard (which handles rescue and shore safety), Customs (which does revenue and tariff enforcement), the INS (which issues tourist visas) and so forth into a single agency which will focus on counterterrorism.

The intelligence problems are addressed by creating a center within the new agency which will review intelligence gathered by other agencies (FBI, CIA, apparently, NSA).

So —- the problem of turf wars between the FBI and CIA is dealt with by giving them both a new agency to fight with, the problem of information hoarding at headquarters is dealt with by establishing a new hoard of information at headquarters, and we also improve matters by imposing a new layer of centralized bureaucracy on agencies which (with the possible exception of INS) didn’t have much to do with the problem.

[10:12 AM]
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Comments on But hey, it knocked the hearings below the fold!:

Rich McAllister ::: (view all by) ::: June 07, 2002, 06:20 PM:

The Register of all places has a interesting piece on it. Their take is even if it works all we get is more people listening to the same noise, while the Administration gets a handy stick to beat on Democrats with during this fall's Congressional elections.