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Nick Denton’s

Our Admirable Sponsors

December 14, 2002

Sister Advil: Last June, bass player and all-round Music Guy Jon Sobel, with whom I’ve played before, emailed to ask if I’d be interested in joining a new band he was forming. “Pope,” I answered smoothly. “Does the. Shit in the woods. Also, a bear.” Fortunately, Jon is used to dealing with musicians, so he took that to mean “yes.”

So we’ve been getting together when we can, in Jon’s fabulous rehearsal space deep inside an ancient warehouse in DUMBO (that’s Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass), and at last we plan to play in front of people to whom we aren’t even related! Yes, you can attend the fabulous world premiere of Whisperado, 9 PM on December 25 at The C-Note, 157 Avenue C (at 10th St), that’s New York City, home of the blues. Thrill to the excitement of live music! Trade obscure weblog references with at least one musician! A fitting culmination to your holiday celebration! Act now, act without thinking, send money today. [08:23 PM]

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