Nielsen Hayden genealogy
Clarence Eugene "E. C." Hayden

Name Clarence Eugene "E. C." Hayden [1, 2] Birth Dec 1872 Curdsville, Daviess, Kentucky [3, 4, 5, 6]
Gender Male Burial Feb 1908 St. Raphael's Cemetery, West Louisville, Daviess, Kentucky [7]
Death 8 Feb 1908 Rome, Daviess, Kentucky [4]
Person ID I4248 Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others Last Modified 25 Nov 2023
Father James S. Hayden, b. 23 Aug 1836, Nelson County, Kentucky d. 4 Nov 1908, Daviess County, Kentucky
(Age 72 years)
Mother Mary Drucilla Hayden, b. 4 Apr 1847, Daviess County, Kentucky d. 25 Apr 1890, near West Louisville, Daviess, Kentucky
(Age 43 years)
Marriage 28 Jan 1868 Daviess County, Kentucky [1, 8, 9, 10, 11]
Family ID F4188 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Sarah Frances "Fannie" Newton, b. 7 Oct 1880, Liberty Hall, Breckinridge, Kentucky d. 15 Nov 1970, Highland Park, Wayne, Michigan
(Age 90 years)
Marriage 31 Jan 1899 Daviess County, Kentucky [12]
Children 1. Edna Rose Hayden, b. 1899 d. 27 Nov 1961, Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio (Age 62 years)
2. James Elbert Hayden, b. 23 Sep 1901, Owensboro, Daviess, Kentucky d. 3 Jul 1931, Merrill Township, Newaygo, Michigan
(Age 29 years)
+ 3. James Delbert Hayden, b. 23 Sep 1901, Owensboro, Daviess, Kentucky d. 30 Nov 1962, Warren, Macomb, Michigan
(Age 61 years)
4. Mary Patricia Hayden, b. 1904, Owensboro, Daviess, Kentucky d. 31 Mar 1934, French Lick, Orange, Indiana
(Age 30 years)
5. Eugene Clarence Hayden, b. 18 Jul 1905, Owensboro, Daviess, Kentucky d. 27 May 1961, Windsor, Essex, Ontario
(Age 55 years)
6. Mary Martine Hayden, b. 18 Jul 1905, Owensboro, Daviess, Kentucky d. 10 Jun 1987, Detroit, Wayne, Michigan
(Age 81 years)
+ 7. Mary Thelma Hayden, b. 1907, Owensboro, Daviess, Kentucky d. 1969, Michigan
(Age 62 years)
8. Mary Wilma Hayden, b. Abt 1907, Owensboro, Daviess, Kentucky d. Bef 1910, Owensboro, Daviess, Kentucky
(Age ~ 2 years)
Family ID F6407 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 12 Aug 2019
Photos Clarence "EC" Hayden Clarence Hayden and Fannie Newton's marriage bond
Notes - Owensboro Messenger, 7 Apr 1907, page 9:
Is Record of Young Curdsville Couple.
Among them are three sets of twins -- Four Boys and Four Girls
If All People Followed Their Example Owensboro Would Extend From Hardinsburg to Henderson.
Whether there is race suicide in process of perpetration in this country or whether there is not, there is a young couple in Daviess county, eight years married and parents of eight children. If their example were followed by all the people in Daviess county this section would shortly be such a city that Main street would extend from Hardinsburg to Henderson. It would be a city that could furnish wives for the womanless of the West and soldiers for the armies of the world.
These young people are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hayden of the Curdsville neighborhood. Mr. Hayden is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hayden, his wife was, before her marriage, Miss Fannie Newton. Both are members of well known and highly respected families. Mr. Hayden is a farmer by occupation and is prosperous.
Of their children four are boys and four are girls. Among them there are three pairs of twins. The first was a boy, then came twins, then a girl and then came twins again, two boys. Saturday, on the eighth anniversary of their marriage, a third pair of twins came, bringing the total number of children to eight. The latest twins are girls.
Mr. Hayden is thirty-three years old and weighs 125 pounds. His wife is twenty-nine years old and weighs 150 pounds.
This record has probably never been surpassed in Daviess county. There is a case on record of a couple in this same section of the county who had five children in a year—but this was maintained for only one year. It was nearly forty years ago. In January, twins were born to them, and in December of the same year triplets were born. But Mr. and Mrs. Hayden have the record for recent years.
The father of Mr. Hayden brought the news of the birth of the latest pair of twins to Owensboro yesterday afternoon.
Owensboro Messenger, 9 Feb 1908, page 9:
And Leaves a Widow and Eight Children
Clarence Hayden died of heart trouble at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon at his home at Rome, after an illness of several months. His death, while sudden, was not unexpected. He had been in poor health for some time. Mr. Hayden was twenty-eight years old and a respected farmer of the Rome section. His wife, who was before her marriage Miss Newton, survives him, with eight children. The funeral will take place at 9 o'clock Sunday morning from St. Raphael's church. The interment will be in the church cemetery.
- Owensboro Messenger, 7 Apr 1907, page 9:
Sources - [S263] History of Daviess County, Kentucky. Together with Sketches of Its Cities, Villages and Townships, Educational, Religious, Civil, Military, and Political History; Portraits of Prominent Persons, Biographies of Representative Citizens. And an Outline History of Kentucky. Chicago: Inter-State Publishing Company, 1883.
- [S1080] Michigan, U.S., Marriage Records, 1867-1952, on
- [S12] Kentucky death records, 1852-1953, on
- [S26] Kentucky Death Index, 1911-2000, on
- [S312] John Medley (1615-1660), St. Mary's County Maryland, His Descendants, by Mary Louise Donnelly. Ennis, Texas: Mary Louise Donnelly, 1995., year only.
- [S285] Notes and records of Jeannette (White) Hayden (1935-living), mother of Patrick Nielsen Hayden.
- [S1263] Personal records held by P & T Nielsen Hayden.
- [S312] John Medley (1615-1660), St. Mary's County Maryland, His Descendants, by Mary Louise Donnelly. Ennis, Texas: Mary Louise Donnelly, 1995.
- [S4530] Kentucky Marriages, 1785-1979, on
- [S926] Owensboro (Kentucky) Messenger, 5 Nov 1908.
- [S7024] Record of the marriage bond and marriage of James S. Hayden and Mary D. Hayden, with James S. Hayden as principal and Urban Hayden as surety. Copy held by P & T Nielsen Hayden.
- [S2232] 1900 United States Federal census, on
- [S263] History of Daviess County, Kentucky. Together with Sketches of Its Cities, Villages and Townships, Educational, Religious, Civil, Military, and Political History; Portraits of Prominent Persons, Biographies of Representative Citizens. And an Outline History of Kentucky. Chicago: Inter-State Publishing Company, 1883.