Nielsen Hayden genealogy
Elizabeth Fones

Name Elizabeth Fones [1, 2] Birth 21 Jan 1610 London, England [3, 4, 5]
Gender Female Alternate birth 21 Jan 1610 Groton, Suffolk, England [1, 6]
Death Aft 10 Jan 1653 Hell Gate, Long Island, New Netherland [4]
Alternate death Aft 1655 Newtown, Long Island, New Netherland [3, 7]
Alternate death 1668 [8] Alternate death 1669 New York [6]
Person ID I5176 Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others Last Modified 29 Apr 2024
Father Thomas Fones, b. 24 Mar 1572, London, England d. Aft 14 Apr 1629, London, England
(Age > 57 years)
Mother Anne Winthrop, b. 16 Jan 1586 d. 16 May 1619 (Age 33 years) Marriage 25 Feb 1605 [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] Family ID F2591 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family 1 Henry Winthrop, b. 10 Jan 1608, Groton, Suffolk, England d. 2 Jul 1630, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
(Age 22 years)
Marriage 25 Apr 1629 Newgate, London, England [3, 4, 5, 6, 14, 15]
Family ID F1242 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 29 Apr 2024
Family 2 Lt. Robert Feake, b. Abt 1602, England d. 1 Feb 1661, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts
(Age ~ 59 years)
Marriage Between 2 Nov 1631 and 27 Jan 1632 Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts [16, 17]
Divorce May 1647 New Netherland [18]
Children + 1. Hannah Feake, b. Jun 1637, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts d. 31 Jan 1678, London, England
(Age ~ 40 years)
Family ID F5243 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 29 Apr 2024
Family 3 William Hallett, b. Abt 1616, Bridport, Dorset, England d. Aft 1705, Hell Gate, Long Island, New York
(Age ~ 90 years)
Marriage Bef Mar 1649 [4] Family ID F3721 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 4 Mar 2020
Photos Elizabeth Fones
Arrived in Massachusetts 2 Nov 1631, on the Lyon.
Early Massachusetts settler whose personal life and wild habits of owning her own property scandalized Puritan society. She wound up living on Long Island with her third husband. She is the subject of a quite good 1958 historical novel by Anya Seton called The Winthrop Woman.
The real indictments laid against her by her detractors were: (1) the suggestion that she began her relationship with her third husband before while still married to her second one (true) and (2) the suggestion that she was not legally divorced from her second husband when she married her third one (probably untrue). Added piquance was provided by the fact that her third husband had been her second husband's business manager. It seems clear, however, that her second husband (1) went insane and (2) essentially abandoned her.
Elizabeth Fones (~1610->1655) = William Hallett (~1616-~1706)
William Hallett (1648-1669) = Sarah Woolsey (1650-1727)
Sarah Hallett (b. 1673) = George Phillips (1664-1739)
George Phillips (1698-1771) = Elizabeth Mills (1706-1768)
Samuel Phillips (1782-1806) = Sarah Mills (1734-1795)
Hannah Phillips (1756-1834) = Daniel Brush (1744-1805)
George Phillips Brush (1775-1829) = Polly Keeler (1780-1865)
Emeline Keeler Brush (b. 1821) = Harvey Woodworth (b. ~1813)
Louisa Mart Woodworth (b. 1842) = Thomas George Maxwell (b. 1835)
James Willard Maxwell (b. ~1901) = Adele Thompson (b. ~1903)
Mary Maxwell (1929-1994) = William Henry Gates, Jr. (b. ~1926)
William Henry "Bill" Gates III (1955- )
Sources - [S1272] George E. McCracken, "The Feake Family of Norfolk, London, and Colonial America." New York Genealogical and Biographical Record 86:132, 86:209 (1955), 87:28, 87:104 (1956), 92:229 (1961), 94:243 (1963), 136:303 (2005).
- [S3790] Hallett family of Dorsetshire, England, New England, New Netherland, Hallet's Cove, New York, New Brunswick, Aroostook County, Maine, USA by William C. Hallett. Titusville, Florida: 2014.
- [S199] Genealogies of Long Island Families, From the New York Genealogical and Bibliographical Record ed. Henry B. Hoff. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1987.
- [S756] Early New England Families Study Project: Accounts of New England Families from 1641 to 1700 by Alicia Crane Williams. Online database, New England Historic Genealogical Society.
- [S3825] Milton Rubincam, "A Winthrop-Bernadotte Pedigree." The New England Historical and Genealogical Register 103:246, Oct 1949., date only.
- [S7595] The Fones Family by Art Reierson. 1998.
- [S201] The Winthrop Woman by Anya Seton. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1958. Historical novel, with nonfiction notes and a well-researched pedigree chart.
- [S3825] Milton Rubincam, "A Winthrop-Bernadotte Pedigree." The New England Historical and Genealogical Register 103:246, Oct 1949.
- [S172] The Winthrop Family in America by Lawrence Shaw Mayo. Boston: The Massachusetts Historical Society, 1948.
- [S1123] Suffolk Manorial Families: Being the County Visitations and Other Pedigrees ed. Joseph James Muskett. Exeter: William Pollard & Co., Ltd, 1900., "25 Feb 1604".
- [S3823] Evidences of the Winthrops of Groton, Co. Suffolk, England by Joseph James Muskett and Robert C. Winthrop. 1894., "25 Feb. 1604".
- [S6585] Stephen Waasa Spaulding, “How Edward1 Spaulding, a Puritan Farmer from the Norfolk/Suffolk Border, Came to Prosper in New England.” The New England Historical and Genealogical Register 173:220, Summer 2019., "in Groton, Suffolk, 25 Aug 1603/4".
- [S7595] The Fones Family by Art Reierson. 1998., says "January 25, 1603 in Edwardstone, Suffolk, England".
- [S101] The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633, Volumes 1-3 and The Great Migration: Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635, Volumes 1-7, by Robert Charles Anderson. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1996-2011.
- [S1272] George E. McCracken, "The Feake Family of Norfolk, London, and Colonial America." New York Genealogical and Biographical Record 86:132, 86:209 (1955), 87:28, 87:104 (1956), 92:229 (1961), 94:243 (1963), 136:303 (2005)., date only.
- [S2306] The Winthrop Fleet: Massachusetts Bay Company Immigrants to New England 1629-1630 by Robert Charles Anderson. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2012.
- [S7595] The Fones Family by Art Reierson. 1998., says "December 02, 1631".
- [S2308] Donald Lines Jacobus, "That Winthrop Woman Again!" New York Genealogical and Biographical Record 97:131, 1966.
- [S1272] George E. McCracken, "The Feake Family of Norfolk, London, and Colonial America." New York Genealogical and Biographical Record 86:132, 86:209 (1955), 87:28, 87:104 (1956), 92:229 (1961), 94:243 (1963), 136:303 (2005).