Nielsen Hayden genealogy

François Girouard

Descendants of François Girouard

Male 1621 - Bef 1700  (~ 83 years)

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François Girouard (Between 1616 and 1621 France - Bef 1700 Port-Royal, Acadia)
Jeanne Aucoin (Bef 26 Nov 1630 chr.La Rochelle, Charente-Maritime, France - Bef 18 Apr 1718 bur.Port-Royal, Acadia)
  (m. Bef 1648 France)
    └─ Jacques dit Jacob Girouard dit La Varenne   (Between 1647 and 1649 Acadia -
        27 Oct 1703 bur.Port-Royal, Acadia)
      Marguerite Gautreau (Abt 1655 Acadia - 2 Aug 1727 bur.Port-Royal, Acadia)(m. Bef 1671 Acadia)
          └─ Germain Girouard   (Between 1691 and 1694 Acadia - 17 Jul 1760 bur.Ristigouche, Québec)
            Marie Doucet (Between 1692 and 1695 Acadia - Aft 1760)(m. Abt 1710 Acadia)
                └─ Germain dit Jacques Girouard     =>
                  + Marie Arsenault (Abt 1717 - 1 Dec 1757 bur.Québec City, Québec)
                    (m. 24 Nov 1733 Beaubassin, Acadia)
Number of people in this chart: 8 (including 4 spouses) in 4 generations.
Links to charts that show additional descendants: 1
Lines that wrap to another line: 3
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