Nielsen Hayden genealogy

Charles Allen

Male 1631 - Aft 1706  (~ 83 years)

Personal Information    |    Notes    |    Sources    |    All

  • Name Charles Allen  [1, 2
    Birth Between 1623 and 1631  [3
    Gender Male 
    Alternate birth Abt 1625  England Find all individuals with events at this location  [4, 5
    Alternate death Aft 7 Oct 1705  Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire Find all individuals with events at this location  [4, 5
    Death Aft 28 Aug 1706  [3
    Person ID I5454  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others
    Last Modified 15 Mar 2022 

    Family 1 (Unknown first wife of Charles Allen) 
    Family ID F22113  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 15 Mar 2022 

    Family 2 Susanna Huggins,   b. Bef 6 Sep 1640, Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Aft 1690 (Age > 51 years) 
    Marriage Abt 1667  [2, 3, 5, 6
    +1. Jude Allen,   b. Abt 1679, Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 16 Jun 1738, Greenland, Rockingham, New Hampshire Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 59 years)
    Family ID F361  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 15 May 2020 

  • Notes 
    • "Charles Allen, of Strawberry Bank (Portsmouth), N.H., is first mentioned as a participant in the distribution of land to inhabitants 'unto the year 1657.'" ["Charles Allen and Some of His Descendants", citation details below.]

      From "Old Norfolk County Records", citation details below:

      Ante-nuptial agreement between Charles Allin (mark) of Portsmouth, in ye county of Dover, and Susana Hugins, daughter of John and Bridgett Hugins of Hampton. He conveys to her housing and 50 acres of land in a place called Greenland in ye town of Portsmouth, bounded by Phillip Lewis, Willi : Davis and Patent land. If said Susanna die without children by me then property to go to my daughter Mary Allin whom I had by my former wife. I appoint my friend Anthony Austen of Rowley, trustee. Dated Feb. 13, 1666. Wit: John Huggin and Mehitable Dalton. Ack. 14 : 12 : 1666, before Sam : Dalton, commissioner.

      Transcribed by Martin Hollick, The Slovak Yankee: Deed of Charles Allen

      To all people to whom these presents shall come, know ye that I Charles Allein of Greenland of ye Town of Portsmouth in New Hampshire Husbandman for, and in consideration of ye love and affection, which I beare towards my well beloved son Daniel Allein, have given, granted, and by those presents, do freely clearly, and absolutely give and grant to my well beloved son Daniel Allein, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, all and singular my farme of land and meadow ground, lying, and being in Greenland in ye Town and province aforesaid, butting and bounding as followeth: beginning eight rods from ye land was formerly Philip Lewis's running North West and by west to a hemlock forty fower rod, and from thence South and be West to a white oak so marked and upon ye same points to a cart path being about thirty five acres further: and, seven rods to a hemlock to ye same cart path marked to ye Eastward of a house formerly called William Davis's house and from thence along the cart path north eight rods of ye mill dam and from thence upon a straight line to ye first beginning and containing about fourty acres more or less and all woods, trees, orchards, houses, barns, rights, priviledges, and appurtenances thereunto belonging. To have and to hold ye same and all moveables, and chattels to my aforesaid son, Daniel Allein, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns forever, and grant by these presents, before ye ensealing hereof, order my well beleoved son Daniel Allein to pay these legacies as follows, viz. to my two daughters Susanna and Martha five pounds a piece in good current pay, six months after marriages; and to my son John ten pounds and a horse, as he comes to ye age of twenty one years. And as to my son Charles, I have formerly given him his portion in land, as will appeare under my hand; and further I now order my Son Daniel Allein to maintain my own person with appropriate meat, drink, washing, and lodging, during my naturall life and at my decease to bury me decently; and further my order is to my Son Daniel Allein that he pay my son Jude ten pounds in good pay; and in formation to all and every part hereof, I have put my hand and seal this fourteenth day of September in ye year of the Lord God, seventeen hundred and five.

      Signed, Sealed, and Delivered in ye presences of us witnesses: Abraham Lewis; Ebenezer Johnson

      Charles Allein (by mark)

      Recorded on 7 October 1705

      Hollick remarks: "This is a wonderful example of a colonial deed for life support that also acts as a quasi-will. By this document we can infer his wife is dead and that his children are Daniel, Jude, Susannah, Martha, and John. Susannah and Martha are not yet married and John is less that 21 years old."

  • Sources 
    1. [S643] "Old Norfolk County Records." The Essex Antiquarian 6:83, 1902.

    2. [S645] "Early Settlers of Essex and Old Norfolk." The New England Historical and Genealogical Register 6:205; 6:243, 1852.

    3. [S660] Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire by Sybil Noyes, Charles Thornton Libby, and Walter Goodwin Davis. Portland, Maine: Southworth Press, 1928-1939.

    4. [S257] Frank W. Allen, "Charles Allen and Some of His Descendants." The New England Historical and Genealogical Register 56:26, January 1902.

    5. [S119] Ancestors and Descendants of Andrew Lee and Clarinda Knapp Allen by Gerald R. Fuller. Esther Fuller Dial, ed. The Andrew Lee Allen Family Organization, 1952.

    6. [S2203] New England Marriages Prior to 1700 by Clarence A. Torrey. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015., "m cont 13 Feb 1666".