Nielsen Hayden genealogy
Chase-Wigglesworth Genealogy: The Ancestors and Descendants of Philip Putnam Chase and His Wife Anna Cornelia Wigglesworth ed. Alicia Crane Williams. Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1990.
Title Chase-Wigglesworth Genealogy: The Ancestors and Descendants of Philip Putnam Chase and His Wife Anna Cornelia Wigglesworth ed. Alicia Crane Williams. Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1990. Source ID S2219 Linked to (25) Mary
Anna Churchman
Abigail Davis
William Davis
Anna Gray
Dr. Thomas Gray
Thomas Jones
Anna Little
Elizabeth Pabodie
John Palmer
William Paul
Edward Richmond, Attorney General of Rhode Island
Elizabeth Richmond
John Richmond
John Richmond
Mary Richmond
Col. Sylvester Richmond
William Richmond
Abigail Rogers
Elizabeth Rogers
John Rogers
John Rogers
Thomas Rogers
Family: William Richmond / Anna Gray
Family: Col. Sylvester Richmond / Elizabeth Rogers