Nielsen Hayden genealogy

Name Maud [1, 2] Gender Female Person ID I16742 Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others Last Modified 3 Feb 2024
Family Richard de Worsley, b. Abt 1175, of Worsley, Eccles, Lancashire, England d. Aft 1217 (Age ~ 43 years)
Children + 1. Geoffrey de Worsley, b. Abt 1210, of Worsley, Eccles, Lancashire, England d. Bef 1268 (Age ~ 57 years)
+ 2. Roger de Worsley, b. Abt 1212, of Kempnough, Lancashire, England Family ID F10222 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 3 Feb 2024
Notes - According to Coddington and Davis (citation details below), she may have been either Maud de Singleton or Maid de Parles.
Sources - [S2678] The Ancestry of Mary Isaac, c. 1549-1613, Wife of Thomas Appleton of Little Waldingfield, co. Suffolk and Mother of Samuel Appleton of Ipswich, Massachusetts by Walter Goodwin Davis. Portland, Maine, 1955.
- [S7292] John Insley Coddington, "Some Ancestors of Henry1 Gregory: Worsley and Parr." The American Genealogist 38:171, 1962.
- [S2678] The Ancestry of Mary Isaac, c. 1549-1613, Wife of Thomas Appleton of Little Waldingfield, co. Suffolk and Mother of Samuel Appleton of Ipswich, Massachusetts by Walter Goodwin Davis. Portland, Maine, 1955.