Nielsen Hayden genealogy

Search Results

Matches 1201 to 1400 of 12,823 for Tree equals Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others AND Branch equals Ancestor of TWK

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 #  Last Name, Given Name(s)    Person ID   Born/Christened    Location   Tree | Branch 
I24850    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I24853    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I704    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I4979    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I1713    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
Godfrey "The Bearded"
I3199  b. Abt 997  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Godfrey II
I2408    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Godfrey III
I11074  b. Abt 1141  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I11026  b. Abt 1010  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I13036    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of XYZ
I14271    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of WPF
I1501    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I8116    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I1341  b. of Gooderstone, Swaffam, Norfolk, England  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I8055  b. Abt 1001  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of WPF
I1901    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TWK
Gomez Perez
I2488    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK
Gomez Perez
I3655  b. Abt 1256  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK
Gonario II Giudice Of Logudoro
I1969    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
Gonnario II Giudice of Arborea
I9646  b. Abt 1090  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I28835    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Gorm the Old King of Denmark
I2211  b. Abt 875  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I14151    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of WPF
I23954    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Gottfried I
I24207    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Gottfried I
I24348    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Gottfried I
I29168  b. Abt 1099  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Gottfried II
I24347    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Gottfried III
I24346  b. Between 1175 and 1183  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I14104  b. Abt 1020  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of WPF
Gozelo I
I2628    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JDM, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I6376    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JDM, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I29170    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I10357    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I15747    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK
I35904    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I20644  b. Abt 1610  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL
Gregorio III
I10275  b. Abt 830  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I585    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JDM, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I296    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I3469    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I8674    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I12928    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Guigues VI
I26041  b. 1184  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Guillaime I
I24422    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of WPF
I25254    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Guillaume "Longue Epee" Leader of the Normans of Rouen
I3107  b. Overseas  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Guillaume "Tête-d'Étoupe"
I4365  b. 900 of Poitiers, Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Guillaume I
I24267    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Guillaume I
I25531    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Guillaume I
I24497  b. Between 975 and 980  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Guillaume I "le Liberateur"
I7599  b. 950  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Guillaume II
I6461    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Guillaume II
I24251    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Guillaume II
I25530    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Guillaume II
I24767  b. Abt 1155  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of WPF
Guillaume VI Bertrand
I7511  b. Abt 1020  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I29713    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK
Guillén Amanieu II
I8803    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Guillermo VIII-VI
I25117    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I6336    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I17032    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of XYZ
I28811    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I12599    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK
I2307    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK
I9463    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I8643    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of XYZ
I25091    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I35907    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I8060    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I10595    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I14256  b. Abt 930  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I24657  b. Abt 912  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I25043    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I3536  b. Abt 800  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Guy I
I7099    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Guy I
I28920    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Guy I
I24794  b. 1149  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I1549    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I29486  b. Abt 955  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I9458  b. of the Isle of Man  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Günther I
I25502    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I6167    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I5661    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JDM, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I6141    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
Haimon I
I12882    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK
I18250    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of TWK
I23099    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I23321    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TS, Ancestor of TWK
I30532  b. Abt 1613  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Harald Bluetooth King of Denmark and Norway
I2186  b. Abt 910  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I3628    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JDM, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I6660    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Hartmann I
I24132  b. Abt 1050  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Hartmann II
I24130    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I420    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I477    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I1917    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I3623    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I3974    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I3976    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I4455    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of FL, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TS, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I4754    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I5037    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I6719    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I6790    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I8388    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I10950    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I12775    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I13298    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of WPF
I17040    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of XYZ
I18071    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of WPF
I16926    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I25143    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I29205    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I7337  b. Between 935 and 940  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Heilwig Abbess of Chelles
I9962    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JDM, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I24748    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I25041    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I25166    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I24739  b. Abt 1115  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Heinrich Burwin I
I25440  b. Bef 1150  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Heinrich Burwin II
I25439  b. Abt 1170  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Heinrich I
I24624    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Heinrich I
I24746    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Heinrich I
I25155    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Heinrich I
I25175  b. Abt 1075  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Heinrich I
I24345  b. Abt 1205  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Heinrich I "The Bald"
I8117    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Heinrich I "The Fowler" King of Germany
I9757  b. Abt 876  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JDM, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Heinrich II
I24212    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Heinrich II
I25174    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Heinrich III Holy Roman Emperor
I377  b. 28 Oct 1016  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Heinrich III
I14194  b. Abt 1140  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of WPF
Heinrich IV Holy Roman Emperor
I346  b. 11 Nov 1050 Goslar, Lower Saxony, Germany  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Heinrich IV
I24600  b. Abt 1195  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Heinrich VI Holy Roman Emperor
I25269  b. Nov 1165  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I24778    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of WPF
I28863    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I23730    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I25029  b. Abt 1050  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I25521    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I7124    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I8661    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I13029    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of XYZ
I14332    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of TWK
I35392    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JDM, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I24871    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of WPF
I7047    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I24065    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I25198    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of XYZ
I24095    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I24075    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I24567    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I24942    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Henri d'Eu
I5222    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
Henri I King Of France
I9914  b. Bef 17 May 1008  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Henri I
I25613  b. Abt 1232  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Henri II King of Jerusalem
I24882  b. 29 Jul 1166  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Henry I King of England
I1674  b. 1068  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Henry II King of England
I7633  b. 5 Mar 1133 Le Mans, Sarthe, Pays-de-la-Loire, France  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Henry III King of England
I2786  b. 1 Oct 1207 Winchester Castle, Hampshire, England  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Henry VII Holy Roman Emperor
I21912  b. 12 Jul 1274 Valenciennes, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Henry VII King of England and lord of Ireland
I16379  b. 28 Jan 1457 Pembroke Castle, Pembrokeshire, Wales  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I2859    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
Herbert I
I12770  b. Abt 985  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Herbert III
I8079  b. Abt 954  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Herbert IV
I8426  b. Abt 1032  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I664    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Heribert I
I2942    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Heribert II
I9774  b. Between 880 and 890  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I10284    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I11232    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I10322  b. Abt 1003  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I826    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I2018    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I2328    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JDM, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I14105    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of WPF
I24846    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I24710  b. Abt 1150  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Hermann I
I24307    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Hermann I
I24626    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Hermann I
I14242  b. Abt 895  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Hermann I
I24730  b. Abt 1110  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Hermann II
I24375  b. Abt 980  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Hermann II
I24728  b. Abt 1175 Lippstadt, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Hermann III
I24328  b. Abt 1015  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK
I12886    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK
I2304    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of XYZ
I11291    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I16911    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of XYZ
I28731    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Hervé II
I24254    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Hervé III
I24253    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
Hervé IV
I24250    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of TWK
I14161    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK
I14132    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I12796    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I26714    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
I12795    Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ

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