Nielsen Hayden genealogy

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Matches 1 to 2 of 2 for First Name starts with EADWARD AND Tree equals Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others

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 #  Last Name, Given Name(s)    Person ID   Born/Christened    Location   Tree | Branch 
Eadward "the Elder" King of Wessex and Mercia
I11264  b. Between 871 and 875  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of FF, Ancestor of FW, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JDM, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ
Eadward "The Exile" Prince of England
I6334  b. Between 1016 and 1017  Ancestry of PNH, TNH, and others | Ancestor of AP, Ancestor of AW, Ancestor of DDB, Ancestor of DGH, Ancestor of DK, Ancestor of EK, Ancestor of GFS, Ancestor of JMF, Ancestor of JTS, Ancestor of LD, Ancestor of LDN, Ancestor of LMW, Ancestor of TNH, Ancestor of TSW, Ancestor of TWK, Ancestor of UKL, Ancestor of WPF, Ancestor of XYZ

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