Nielsen Hayden genealogy
History of the Town of Stonington, County of New London, Connecticut, from its First Settlement in 1649 to 1900 by Richard Anson Wheeler. New London, Connecticut: Press of the Day Publishing Company, 1900.
Title History of the Town of Stonington, County of New London, Connecticut, from its First Settlement in 1649 to 1900 by Richard Anson Wheeler. New London, Connecticut: Press of the Day Publishing Company, 1900. Source ID S715 Linked to (44) Grace
James Babcock
Sarah Babcock
James Bentley
Jane Bentley
William Bentley
Jane Brown
Nicholas Brown
Col. Joseph Champlin
Capt. William Denison
Capt. Samuel Fish
Jane Fish
Samuel Fish
Sarah Lawton
James Lewis
Anna Lord
Mercy Noyes
Thomas Prentice
Capt. Thomas Prentice
George Sisson
Mercy Sisson
Richard Sisson
Thomas Sisson
William Sisson
William Sisson
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith
Jerusha Smith
John Smith
Sarah Stanton
Thomas Stanton
Sarah Starke
John Wightman
Rev. Timothy Wightman
Elizabeth Williams
Family: John Smith / Susanna
Family: William Sisson / Mercy Noyes
Family: Daniel Smith / Mary Grant
Family: Thomas Prentice / Sarah Stanton
Family: John Wightman / Jane Bentley